Independent Living

ODC Independent Living helps individuals identify skills and areas to increase their independence and self-sufficiency. Supports and services center around individuals unique needs maximizing their independence, increasing their confidence and fulfilling established outcomes.

Daily Living Skills (DLS) / Community Supportive Living (CSL)


DLS / CSL empowers individuals to achieve their life goals and are centered around the individual!

  • Collaboratively we will develop a person-centered plan that identifies action steps to meet the outcomes you desire.

  • Supports will be flexible and designed weekly with ODC staff to meet your needs.

Some supports and services include:

  • Skill development in independent living:

    • Cleaning and laundry

    • Grocery shopping/meal planning/cooking

    • Money management and budgeting

    • Personal hygiene, health and wellness management

    • Symptom management/coping skill

  • Development and access of ongoing community connections based on your interest

Housing Counseling

ODC provides assistance to individuals with the process of obtaining independent housing within their community. ODC assists individuals with exploring both home ownership and rental options for both individual and shared options.

Supports include:

  • Counseling and assistance in identifying housing options

  • Identifying financial resources, budgeting and determining affordability

  • Determination of preferred location and type of housing

  • Identifying accessibility and modification needs

  • Application completion support

  • Move-in support


Assistive Technology

ODC will use assistive technologies to support individuals in increasing their independence within their home and community ultimately improving their quality of life.

Supports include:

  • Technology consults

  • Technology exploration

  • Device/remote support training and education

  • On-going support and evaluation of other resources

For more info about the Independent Living program, contact:

Mindy Reiman at 715-818-6451 or